Saturday 29 December 2012

Creative designs from Tiffany Amber


In 1998, Folake Folarin-Coker launched Tiffany Amber, revolutionizing the Nigerian fashion industry. Born in Lagos, Folake schooled in Switzerland, England and Scotland; then relocated to Nigeria in 1998 to become a lawyer. Despite holding a masters degree in Petroleum Law, her love for fashion reigned supreme over all. Having spent most of her childhood in Europe exploring different cultures, she successfully translated her passion to the foremost fashion brand in Africa with outstanding global recognition.
In 2008, in addition to her main line, Folake extended her creative borders by adding two more lines under Tiffany Amber Nigeria; TAN by Tiffany Amber (Diffusion Line) and Folake Folarin (Couture Line). Each line is distinctive but together represents the designer's iconic style.
In 2008, Folake for the first time, showcased at the Mercedez-Benz Fashion Week in New York. The collection was heralded by such rave review that Folake was invited to showcase for the second time making her the first African-based designer to showcase for two consecutive seasons at the New York Fashion Week.
Folake Folarin-Coker won designer of the year at the African Fashion International (AFI) in 2009 in Johannesburg. The AW 2011 Fearless Luxury collection won "Fashion Brand of the year" at the Arise Magazine Fashion Week. The brand is, without a doubt, fast becoming the premier African lifestyle brand.
Thirteen years after launching her label, Folake has become a mainstay in the fashion industry as she continues to develop a strong design philosophy by staying true to her vision of a true woman.

Interview with Seun osewa of Nairaland

Interview with Seun Osewa, Founder, Nairaland Forum
Thanks for joining us at CP-Africa Seun!
Thanks, Nmachi.  It’s a real honour to be here. CP-Africa is going places.
Thanks Seun. It is our pleasure and honour to have you on. Let’s start with the origins of the site. When did you start the Nairaland Forum?
I installed the Simplemachines Forum on the 10th of March, 2005, and opened Nairaland to the public on the 25th of March, 2005 after working on it for about two weeks.  That’s about 14 months after Mark Zuckerberg launched
Interesting…Why did you choose to start Nairaland?
About 2 years earlier I had attempted to start a web hosting business, but after 3 months I could only boast of one customer, so I ran out of capital and the business died.  It would probably have succeeded if I had managed my capital more wisely or raised more money as I got many hosting requests I couldn’t satisfy later that year.
After that first failure, I was encouraged to get certifications and a regular job, but I couldn’t go back to that kind of path after tasting creative freedom, so I kept researching business ideas and presenting them to friends and family, but no capital was forthcoming to carry any of them out.  I did this for less than 2 years.  (The last idea was a site for sending SMS messages. I picked up Python to implement it.)
Eventually, I decided to start a web forum, because it was the only idea that required no additional capital:  I already had Internet access and a $15 per month VPS graciously paid for by a family friend.  I created 3 forums in November 2003 (one for higher institution students,  one for IT discussions, and one to cover the emerging GSM industry; the Mobile Nigeria Forum at
The Mobile Nigeria Forum took off, so I relaunched it in February 2005 with the assistance of Mr. John Sagai Adams, who posted a link to the forum on his mailing list and participated enthusiastically in those early days.  Other mobile enthusiasts like Mr. Yomi Adegboye pitched in to make the site a success.  In a month or so, the forum had about 300 members, but the growth potential didn’t satisfy me.
I decided to start Nairaland when I noticed two odd things about MobileNigeria:
(1) Despite its narrow focus, it was the only Nigerian community that gave a voice to Nigerians at home.  Most other Nigerian sites were owned and dominated by Nigerians in the US or UK.  They covered only issues of interests to Nigerians abroad.
(2) The off topic section of the forum, covering topics outside telecoms, like romance and jokes, was becoming more vibrant than the Mobile Nigeria Forum itself, suggesting the need for a more general-purpose Nigerian forum.
This gave me the confidence to take forums like Naijaryders and Talknaija head on by starting a general purpose discussion forum with a strong bias towards issues of interest to Nigerians at home.  I felt that such a site could attract enough traffic to make enough money from Google adverts.  That’s why I started the Nairaland Forum.
When will you say Nairaland hit its “tipping point” that helped launch it into the mainstream in the Nigerian internet community?
I don’t believe there was a real tipping point, because we were providing something people really wanted.  Growth has been linear from day one. However, I can tell you about some memorable moments in our history.
I remember a time we got about 30 registrations a day from our coverage of Gulder Ultimate Search.  I think that was the first month.
I remember when the Job section became so popular that most Nigerians at home thought Nairaland was a job portal.  It was a bit annoying, but I embraced it.
I remember when our business section became popular when all those wonder banks were in vogue.  And after that, spammers and advertisers finished it off.  It used to be great.
I remember when I realised I could no longer respond to every thread on the forum, and after a while I couldn’t even read every thread.  Now I can’t even check every section in day.
I remember when I first realised that revolts by old members couldn’t kill the site because of the constant influx of new members.  This, coupled with stress from the rapid growth of the site, led me to adopt a Buhari-style approach to managing the forum, which tarnished my reputation quite a bit.  I’m trying to change that now.
I remember when I locked all Nairalanders out of the forum during a public holiday because I couldn’t keep up with spammers anymore.  I was spending several hours every day just deleting spam and I was tired.  Mukina2, a famous Nairalander, volunteered to help by moderating and recruiting other volunteer moderators.
I remember when I wrote an ‘antispam bot’ because moderators couldn’t keep up with spam.  And it wasn’t enough.  Then I added a registration CAPTCHA and it didn’t make any difference.  Nowadays, everyone hates the bot, because it often makes mistakes, but we would have had to lock down the forum if we didn’t have it.
How many users/members does Nairaland currently have? How many people currently use the site?
We have about 650,000 user accounts.  About 30,000 were logged on in the last 30 days.  Most Nairalanders don’t bother to login or register.  They just read the site like a newspaper site and search it with Google.  Our daily visitor count is much higher.
Who are your main competitors?
NaijaHotJobs, NigeriaBestForum,, and maybe Jobberman.
What do you think has set Nairaland apart from other Nigerian online forums over the years?
Compared to Nigerian forums that preceded Nairaland: local point of view, better organization, more serious topics, and guest-friendliness.
Compared to our current forum competitors; momentum.
What were some of the initial challenges you encountered when you first started out?
Power – I had to get an inverter with my last savings to run MobileNigeria.
Troublemakers – Some people refused to follow the rules of the forum and caused fights.
Are you looking to outside investors to further scale the service? Why or why not?
Not really.  Right now, our major problems are due to the nature of an internet forum.  Very few forums grow as big as Nairaland, because several problems crop up as many people try to interact on the same forum.
One is trolling; some people just love to behave badly on anonymous forums. They derail discussions, insult others for no reason, and treat people asking for advice with insensitivity.  In a small forum, it’s easy to identify these people and exclude them, but in a large forum like Nairaland, it gets to a point where you can only deal with the extreme cases.  Trolling becomes part of the experience, and that limits growth quite a bit.
Another one is spam, which I discussed earlier. Any popular site that allows strangers to post what they like for free will have that problem.
The last one is the most subtle and difficult to solve.  A young internet forum is like an extended family.  Everyone knows everyone, and people really care about each other.   Being part of one is a very nice, cozy experience.  That’s what the Mobile Nigeria forum was like.  But as a forum grows, it becomes a community of strangers, like Oshodi before Fashola.  Most members are forced to become spectators.
I don’t think these issues can be solved by having a lot more money.  We (Nairaland moderators and I) will just end up doing the same things we’re doing now in more expensive ways.  But I have been working on a plan to solve these problems by changing the way the forum works.  It will be incredibly risky and time consuming, but won’t require much money.
Facebook has 1 employee for every 300,000 monthly active users.  Nairaland has 1 employee (me!) for just 30,000 active users, so I think the priority for now should be to make Nairaland 10 times more efficient.
Do you intend to include other features, such as evolving Nairaland to become a social networking hub? Why or why not?
This is such a nice question.  If I got 5 naira every time a developer offered to help me make Nairaland like Facebook, I would be rich enough to buy the moon!
But here’s the thing.  You can’t beat Facebook. even if your website is perfect.   Social networks benefit from ‘network effects’, which means the bigger they are, the better the experience.  Facebook has grown so big that the only thing other social networks can do is die.  MySpace, Hi5, and even Google’s social network (Orkut), and Microsoft’s Live Spaces have been beaten and are still losing members every day.  If Google and Microsoft can’t beat them, I don’t think I should waste my time.
There’s an element of Facebook I’d like to incorporate, though.  The ‘social graph’.  It’s the reason why Facebook can have 500m users on the same site and yet, unlike most big forums, doesn’t feel over-crowded.  The social graph approach scales so well.
How profitable is the Nairaland forum?
Haha. Nice one! Is this where you envisioned Nairaland when you started out?
Seun: My initial dream with MobileNigeria was to make more than 60k a month, which seemed like a reasonable salary at the time, and then use any extra income as capital to start a more promising business.  This was reasonable to me, afterall the total capital I wasted in my failed hosting business was under N60k.  Nairaland flew past this target within the first year, and continues to grow.
Apart from wanting to create a place where Nigerians at home could feel at home, I didn’t have lofty visions for Nairaland, save to remain number 1.  I just wanted to succeed at something for once, and I thought this was the cheapest thing I could try.
Where do you see Nairaland in the next five years?
Hopefully, someone more capable than me would be running it by then, and it will be the most popular African website (we’re currently number 2).  Little steps!
Any last words for readers who are currently members of the Nairaland community?
Yes, just two words:  Thank You!  I have so many people to thank.  If I’m ever interviewed again, I’ll surely mention more names.
Nmachi: Thanks so much Seun for sharing your story with us! Very inspiring to say the least. All the best with Nairaland!

Thursday 27 December 2012

The U.S Fiscal cliff: whats it all about...

Source: wikipedia
In the United States, the fiscal cliff refers to the economic effects that could result from tax increases, spending cuts and a corresponding reduction in the US budget deficit beginning in 2013 if existing laws remain unchanged. The deficit—the difference between what the government takes in and what it spends—is projected to be reduced by roughly half in 2013. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that this sharp decrease in the deficit (the fiscal cliff) will likely lead to a mild recession in early 2013.
The laws leading to the fiscal cliff include the expiration of the 2010 Tax Relief Act and planned spending cuts under the Budget Control Act of 2011. Nearly all proposals to avoid the fiscal cliff involve extending certain parts of the Bush tax cuts or changing the 2011 Budget Control Act or both, thus making the deficit larger by reducing taxes or increasing spending. Because of the short-term adverse impact on the economy, the fiscal cliff has stirred intense commentary both inside and outside of Congress and has led to calls to extend some or all of the tax cuts, and to replace the spending reductions with more targeted cutbacks. The protracted negotiations over this have also generated heightened policy uncertainty over the eventual tax and spending landscape in the US.

The Budget Control Act was a compromise intended to resolve a dispute concerning the public debt ceiling. Some major programs, like Social Security, Medicaid, federal pay (including military pay and pensions), and veterans' benefits, are exempted from the spending cuts.[note 1] Spending for defense, federal agencies and cabinet departments would be reduced through broad, shallow cuts referred to as budget sequestration.
The United States public debt would continue to grow even if the fiscal cliff occurs. However, over the next ten years, the smaller deficit will lower projected increases in the debt by as much as $7.1 trillion or about 70%, resulting in a considerably lower ratio of debt to the size of the economy. For the first year (from fiscal year 2012 to 2013), federal tax revenues are projected to increase by 19.63%, while spending outlays are expected to decline by 0.25%.[1](table-1.6)[note 2] These changes would raise 2013 tax revenue to 18.4% GDP, above its historical average of 18.0% GDP, while reducing spending to approximately 22.4% GDP, still above the 21.0% GDP historical spending average.


The term fiscal cliff has been used in the past to refer to various fiscal issues.[3] The term started being used in the current context near the original expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2010.[4][3] In 2011, the term started to be used to refer to the deficit reductions that would occur in 2013 under current law.[3][5]
In late February 2012, Ben Bernanke, chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, popularized the term "fiscal cliff" for this crisis.[6] Before the House Financial Services Committee he described that "a massive fiscal cliff of large spending cuts and tax increases" would take place on January 1, 2013.[3][7][8]
Some analysts have argued that fiscal slope or fiscal hill would be more appropriate terminology because while the cumulative economic effect over all of 2013 would be substantial, it would not be felt immediately but rather gradually as the weeks and months went by.[9][3][10][6]

Legislative history

During a lame duck session in December 2010, Congress passed the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. The act extended the Bush tax cuts for an additional two years and "patched" the exemptions to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) for tax year 2011. This act also authorized a one-year reduction in the Social Security (FICA) employee payroll tax. This was extended for an additional year by the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, which also extended federal unemployment benefits and the freeze on Medicare physician payments.[11]
On August 2, 2011, Congress passed the Budget Control Act of 2011 as part of an agreement to resolve the debt-ceiling crisis. The Act provided for a Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (the "super committee") to produce legislation by late November that would decrease the deficit by $1.2 trillion over ten years. When the super committee failed to act,[12] another part of the BCA went into effect. This directed automatic across-the-board cuts (known as "sequestrations") split evenly between defense and domestic spending, beginning on January 2, 2013. Also, the Affordable Care Act imposed new taxes on families making more than $250,000 a year ($200,000 for individuals) starting at the same time.[13]
At the end of 2011, the patch to the AMT exemptions expired. Technically, the AMT thresholds immediately reverted to their 2000 tax year levels, a drop of 26% for single people and 40% for married couples. Anyone over these reduced thresholds at the end of 2012 would be subject to the AMT. Therefore, more taxpayers would pay more unless some legislation was passed (as was done in 2007) that affects the exemptions retroactively.

Key laws leading to the fiscal cliff

A number of laws led to the fiscal cliff, including these provisions:[1][14]
  • Reversion of the Alternative Minimum Tax thresholds to their 2000 tax year levels;
  • Expiration of the 2% Social Security payroll tax cut, most recently extended by MCTRJCA;
  • Expiration of federal unemployment benefits, as extended by MCTRJCA, and
Without new legislation, these provisions would automatically go into effect on January 1 or 2, 2013, except for the Alternative Minimum Tax growth, which can be changed retroactively until December 31, 2012.[15] Some provisions would increase taxes (the expiration of the Bush and FICA payroll tax cuts and the new Affordable Care tax and AMT thresholds) while others would reduce spending (sequestration, expiration of unemployment benefits and implementation of the Medicare SGR).[1]
On the other hand, some lawmakers intend to attach a bipartisan extension to the expiring wind-power tax credit.[16] Unlike the provisions above, this will reduce, not increase, taxes by $1.3 billion.[17]
Proposals to avoid the fiscal cliff involve repealing legislation containing certain of these provisions or passing new legislation to extend provisions that are due to expire. Different proposals may include changes to some or all of the above provisions. For example, the Congressional Budget Office's "Alternative Fiscal Scenario" includes only the first four items above. Changes to other provisions are also sometimes included in such proposals; for example, changing the original caps on discretionary appropriations contained in 2011's Budget Control Act, indexing the AMT exemptions for inflation (rather than capping them for one year at a time) or the wholesale or partial reform of the tax laws and/or the entitlement programs (sometimes called "the grand bargain").[18]

Tuesday 18 December 2012

How The Coca-Cola Company started

Type           public
Traded as   NYSE: KO Dow Jones Component S&P 500 component
Industry      Beverage
Founders    Asa griggs candler
Headquarters  Atlanta, geogia U.S
Area served     world wide
Key people    muhtar kent (Chairman and Ceo)
Revenue     US $46.542 billion(2011)
Operating incme  US $10.154 billion(2011)
Net income US -$8.634 billion(2011)
Total Assets  Us $79.974 billion(2011)
Total equity US $31.921 billion(2011)
Employees  146,200 (2011)
culled from wikipedia/companies that changed the world
Its odd to think of a company like coca cola as being in need of an overhaul.its products, after all are sold in every corner of the globe and have dominated the soft drink industry for more than a century. But even the companies that change the world can take missteps and stumble, and coke is no exception. Forget all the mesmerizing slogans  and heartwarming ads: the distinctively shaped bottles and nostalgic memorabilia;  the high profile presence every where from sports arenas and fast food restaurants. coke may be “the real thing” as first proclaimed in 1942, but it knows it wont stay that way without a substantial make over.
 the Atlanta based company is hardly is hardly at death’s door, of course, and it remains the top purveyor of soft drinks on earth. Its hugely popular menu of products, now sold in 200 countries, includes the worlds first and third best-selling beverages (cola cola classic and diet coke) as well as about 160 other soda pops, coffees, juices, sports drinks, teas and bottled waters boasting  a virtual who’s-who of familiar brand names (sprite, cherry coke,Fanta,minute maid, Fruitopia, Burta Nut among them. Even ubiquitous red and white logo and associated imagery are in demand, with licensed coke merchandise widely available through retailers such as walmart and F.A.O Schwarz, along with a corporate web site.

But there also have been extensive tarnishes to the company ‘s public image and fiscal fitness in recent years that demanded serious attention. These included a racial discrimination lawsuit filed by black employees in the united states, an extensive product recall, stymied expansion efforts in Europe, a controversial severance package awarded to a recent ceo who vacated his position after just two turbulent years, astrained relationship between the company and its critical network of independent bottlers, and a steep and continuing stock price decline

History have always been an odd product. Their history dates back to 1767 when carbonated water was introduced. This so-called “soda water” was flavoured for the first time  in the 1830s. various con men, hucksters, and legitimate entrepreneurs have been trying to find profitable ways to peddle it ever since. The longest lasting of these efforts initially appeared in 1876, when Charles hires sold his root beer as medicine. A long line of hopeful competitors- including Dr pepper –followed. Among them in coca cola in 1886, and pepsi-cola in 1890. All this were considered medicinal products, with coke supposedly good for headaches, indigestion and hangovers. One of its earliest sales slogans was “the ideal brain tonic.”

Once the century turned, the soft drinks was publicly repositioned as a beverage for everyone. Colas monopolised the market from the start, with coke and pepsi beginning their lifelong battle for industry supremacy.
Coke moved to sew up mass marketing sales by granting exclusive bottling rights to a pair of men in Chattanooga ten. The contract, fr one dollar, also marked the birth of a company’s unique stategy of using independent bottlers to mix specific ingredients locally and deliver the resultant product. Aggressive expansion was also a big part of the early plan. By the time Atlanta baker ernest woodruff and a group of investors bought the company for  $25 million in 1919, some 1000 of these bottlers were making coca-cola available across the united states, cuba, puerta rico, panama, the Philippines and guam.

Robert w. woodruff, ernest ‘s son, took the corporate reins in 1923 and embarked upon a remarkable six decades stewardship that elevated coca cola from mere beverage to world’s most valuable brand. Under his watch coke first began emphasizing bottle sales over fountain sales. It kicked off a long standing relationship with the Olympics by giving the US  team 1000 cases of coke before it left for Amsterdam in 1928. It regularly introduced  memorable ad campaigns with catchy slogans such as “the pause that Refreshes”, “the real thing,”
 And “things go better with coke”. It promised “every man in uniform… a bottle of coca-cola for 5 cents, wherever he is and whatever it costs”  during the world war II. It even hired edgar Bergen and his wooden side kick Charlie Mccarthy in 1950 to star in a  live network television show. Nothing seemed out of reach, and consumers responded in droves. Soda pop becam king of all non-alcholic beverages, and coke was industry leader.

One increasingly influential  customer base that did not come running, however, was the American dieting public, which collectively turned its back on all soft drinks because of their high sugar content. Royal crown, a competing cola, first reached out to  this proliferating demographic group in 1961 with an artificially sweetened caffeine-free drink called diet rite. Coke entered the flay with Tab in 1963. The industry was still a long way from capturing popular attention and successful mass sales, but it ultimately would prove as commercially significant to its industry.

The coke bottle was so recognisable by that time and such a symbol of America and consumerism, that andy Warhol incorporated into popular works of art later in the 1960s (along with Campbell soups cans and Marilyn Monroe portraits). The company turned that image on its ear in the following decade, marketing itself as a feel good consumable that was perfect for the fractured times. The zenith of this effort came in 1976, when a group of young people from around the world assembled on a hilltop in Italy to produce one of the most indelible advertising jingle of the era. “I ‘l to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony. I’l like to buy the world a coke, and keep it company.” (the commercial proved so popular, coke refilmed it on the same hilltop for a 1990 super bowl broadcast with 16 members of the original cast and their children.)

Nothing stays the same in the corporate world, of course pepsi sales were rising faster than coke’s when Roberto c. goizueta was named board chairman and chief executive officer in 1981. In the 16 years that followed until his cancer-related death, goizueta made his mark by introducing diet coke (which immediately became son popular it revolutionalised the market segment as well as the company’s profit picture) and new coke ( which was laughed out of the picture by universal rejection almost immediately upon its release) when pepsi diversified by acquiring taco bell and pizza hut, goizuet counterd by buying minute maid orange juice, butter nut coffees and teas, and hi-c juice drinks. In  1995, financial world magazine ranked coke the most valuable brand in the world. But within two years, goizueta was dead and douglas Ivester had been appointed to fill his shoes.

Friday 14 December 2012

Businesses you can start with little capital

Babysitting, blogging, cake decoration, candle making, catering, childcare service, cleaning service for businesses, collectible trading, computer troubleshooting, event cordinator, disk jockey, sports instructor, gardening services, interior decorating, jewelry making, mobile food vendor, personal shop assistant,proofreading,public speaking,soap making,Teaching, music instuctor, home tutoring, virtual assistant, software developer,website designer,knitting crotcheting, graphics designer